Category Sales Team Functions

Greaser Consulting Resource

Sales Execution Functions: Content Owner

Content owners are like quality assurance for your sales execution platform. If there is no final approver for the content which goes into a sales execution platform, then it's hard for sales teams to measure what messaging works best and why. In addition, reps could be creating and sending low quality sequences or cadences to valuable prospects.
Greaser Consulting Resource

Sales Execution Functions: Technical Admin

Many teams have a designated Salesforce administrator, but they may not yet see the importance of having a designated technical admin function for a sales execution platform. SEPs have a significant amount of potential to make sales teams more productive, but all of that depends on the platform being properly configured and fixed, as needed, to keep the trains running. The technical admin has to have the troubleshooting ability, and the understanding of the platform, needed to take responsibility for making this happen.
Greaser Consulting Resource

Sales Execution Functions: Technical Enablement

A good sales execution platform is built on three things: sales strategy, good technology, and then lastly, really good content. But at the end of the day, those three things won’t matter if you don't have a strong enablement function. Without it, you will spend hours building out those three pillars, and then nobody will adopt anything that you've created.