310 Penn Street, Suite 200 Hollidaysburg, PA 16648

Persona-lization, Not Personalization with Jerry Pharr
Jordan speaks with Jerry Pharr about his ideas on how SDRs can stand out.
Jordan speaks with Jerry Pharr about his ideas on how SDRs can stand out.
Jordan speaks with Stephen Sunshine about the different roles that assist customers in transitioning from point A to point B, as well as how to add layers C and D when they are prepared to do so.
Jordan talks with Alicja Arts about the different generations in the workforce and how each one has its quirks.
Jordan speaks with Hannah Duncan about what strategies to implement when you are the lone wolf and what she believes makes a good RevOps leader.
Jordan speaks with Sean Gabrus about the three principles he uses to guide his team and what he looks for when hiring.
Jordan speaks with Yael Kahn about the nuances of working in cross-cultural business environments and the importance of embracing a new perspective.
Jordan speaks with Morgan Harris from Clickup about the differences between channel selling and partnerships and the future of these types of relationships.
Jordan speaks with Kyle Warren from PartnerStart on what Channel Selling is precisely and how it differs from what SDRs and AEs do.
310 Penn Street, Suite 200 Hollidaysburg, PA 16648